A dehumidifier is an electrical appliance that removes moisture from the air in a room to keep you healthy and comfortable. Excess moisture in your home can cause a dampness problem which creates a conducive environment for mold to grow.  By extracting water from the air, dehumidifiers help prevent the growth of mildew and eliminate musty odor. Finding the right dehumidifier will help you remedy the situation before it snowballs into a bigger problem.

Signs That You Need a Dehumidifier

High humidity in your home can trigger adverse health reactions, cause the house to generate odor and damage materials. That’s why we need dehumidifiers to remove excess moisture in the air and maintain optimal levels of humidity. As humans, we are more comfortable with a humidity level of between 30 and 50 percent. These humidity levels don’t support the growth of mold. But how do you know that you need a dehumidifier?

  • Condensation

If you notice your windows beading water during winter, it could mean that there is too much moisture in your house. Note that if the moisture is on the outside of the window, it’s probably from rainwater. Moisture on the inside of the window means that you need a dehumidifier. Your first course of action should be to determine where the excess moisture is coming from and then use a dehumidifier to get rid of it. A humidifier will help you keep humidity indoors at an optimal level.

  • Mold Growth

The growth of mold is a clear indication that your home may be too humid. High levels of humidity create a conducive environment for mold spores to latch onto damp surfaces and spread. Inhaling mold spores can lead to various health complications. In fact, symptoms such as difficulty in breathing and watery eyes can be early signs of mold growth in your home. Have a mold remediation professional remove the mold and use a dehumidifier to eliminate excess moisture.

  • Musty Odours

If you notice a musty smell in your garage or basement, it’s probably caused by the growth of mold. Mold grows when there is excess moisture in the air. Lack of proper ventilation and inadequate tile installation could also be a culprit. Get a humidifier to extract excess water from the air and prevent the spread of mold to other parts of your house. Clean the affected area and ventilate it by keeping your windows open, which also helps to get rid of the musty odor.

High humidity produces a hot sticky feeling that’s just uncomfortable. When you stay in a house with high humidity, perspiration will not dry when you sweat, leaving your body damp and sticky. If that description fits the level of discomfort in your house, you should get a dehumidifier and see how comfortable you’ll be at home. So, what type of dehumidifier should you get?

Types of Dehumidifiers

There are two basic types of dehumidifiers: portable room dehumidifiers and whole-house dehumidifiers. Both types of dehumidifiers will extract excess moisture from indoor air and help you maintain optimal humidity levels. However, there are key differences you need to be aware of to ensure that you get the right type of dehumidifier for your home. A whole-house dehumidifier, as the name suggests, removes excess moisture throughout your home.

A whole-house dehumidifier is connected to your home’s existing ductwork. This type of dehumidifier is energy-efficient and provides the best long-term solution to humidity problems. However, this type of dehumidifier comes with high initial costs and requires professional installation. A portable dehumidifier, on the other hand, can be used to remove excess moisture from one room at a time. A portable dehumidifier has lower initial costs and doesn’t require professional installation. This type of dehumidifier is best for occasional use.