To combat the recent pandemic which has touched nearly every corner of the world, Ferrari has made efforts to address this massive catastrophe. The company has launched a fundraiser to support the health system of the province of Modena, where Ferrari was founded, and promises to match all donations made.
Founded on September 13, 1939, in Modena, Italy by Enzo Ferrari, Ferrari has a deeply rooted history in the country, one that goes beyond the racetrack and is synonymous with speed, luxury and wealth. Just recently, Italy was the epicenter of the COVID-19, commonly known as the coronavirus outbreak. As such, the company knew they could use their brand, platform, and connection to the area and community to help combat the virus.
A result of efforts by the company itself and its many international clients – who in the past have driven their Ferrari cars in the Cavalcade – this effort has been highly successful. In just five days, the fundraiser has reached and now surpassed the €1million mark, thereby providing much-needed relief and supplies to the Modena healthcare system.
Funds have initially been sent to the Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale (AUSL), the local health care unit of the Italian National Health Service, to treat patients affected by the virus as well as purchase much-needed equipment and aid to counteract the infection. A portion of the funding has also been earmarked for the expansion of telemedicine to treat those with symptoms via smartphones and tablets. AUSL Modena has already made use of this funding to treat those in nursing homes who suffer from the virus and other neurological disorders. Ferrari has also donated an ambulance, which is in daily use by the emergency department.
The birthplace of Enzo Ferrari itself, Modena still is the site of production of Ferrari’s cars – this site recently announced the suspension of all manufacturing activity until May 3, 2020, in accordance with the Italian Government ordinances – and is near and dear to everything that is Ferrari.