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10 ways to make money from horses

10 ways to make money from horses

From racing to breeding, competition and even writing, there are numerous ways to combine your passion for horses into a lucrative hobby or side hustle. Horses are a costly investment and an expensive hobby, but for those who truly love these amazing animals, the ability to make a bit of extra cash to look after their beloved creatures is worth it. Here are ten ways you can make money from horses that you may not have considered.

Tack Cleaner

From cleaning bridles and saddles to organizing equipment, this task is often thrown to the curb as it’s time-consuming. Offer to clean tack and organize stable roos for a fee but remember to charge a bit more if you’re going to be using your own cleaning equipment and materials each time.

Grooming Services

There are several services you can offer in terms of grooming, from braiding and dressing manes and tails to clipping and brushing. Many horse owners would be more than happy to have a competent groomer come in to deal with these tasks so if you can do these jobs well, it can lead to more jobs in the future with other clients.

Barn and Equipment Cleaning Services

Cleaning out trailers or barns is a labor-intensive job, but if you’re up to the task, it can pay well as it always needs doing.

Hauling Services

Stable and paddock cleaning leads to a lot of manure, but you can offer to haul it away for a fee. If you have storage space on your property, it can also then be composted and sold on to gardeners for an additional income.

Pasture Care

Enjoy gardening? It doesn’t take long for weeds to overtake a pasture and leave the grass few and far between. Reseeding the area and removing weeds can be added to a horse property maintenance package to ensure the pasture is well cared for on a regular basis.

Farm Hand

People often own horses as a hobby but also have regular 9-5 jobs as well, so having the time to feed and water them on a regular schedule can become demanding. Even just a few clients where you take over these jobs can be a good earner.

Exercising Horses

If you’re a skilled rider, exercising horses is another service you can offer for busier owners.

Farrier Services

Hoof trimming and shoeing is a brilliant way to make money with horses, but it does require training and experience before you can work as a qualified farrier. However, if you are experienced and certified, it can be added to your list of services.

Leasing Your Own Horse

Consider leasing your horse for a few days a week for a little bit of extra income. You can even request that the other party deals with insurance and vet bills during this time as well, depending on your lease agreement

Horse Racing

Considering to train your horse up for potential racing in the future is a great idea, as you can win big money if your horse does go on to be successful. Betting at horse racing events has become so popular over recent years, with tonnes of different betting companies making the most of it.