There’s an art to creating the perfect online dating profile, and yet lots of people stumble at the first hurdle and don’t earn those initial interactions because of a flaw that they’re not even aware of.
With that in mind, here’s a look at the mistakes that men frequently make which you need to avoid if you want to find love online.
Missing out information
With a dating profile, you don’t want to be stingy with the details you provide. Failing to fill out every element will make it look like you’re not really committed to the platform, and could give the impression that you aren’t serious about forging connections with other users.
What should you include?
Provide as much detail as is required by default, and you’ll be on the right track. If you feel like this is going to take up too much of your time, then it’s unlikely that a full-blown relationship will fit into your schedule anyway.
Using the wrong apps
The online dating world is more segmented than you might think, and one reason that you’re not getting the attention you’d hoped for could be that the app you’ve chosen isn’t a good fit, for example, some apps are geared towards casual hookups, while others are more focused on helping people find serious relationships. If you’re looking for a serious relationship, apps like eHarmony and Match.com might be a better fit, as they tend to attract users who are more interested in finding a long-term partner. On the other hand, apps like Tinder and Bumble are more commonly used for casual dating and hookups. You can also consult expert resources like OnlineForLove‘s list of best cheating websites which provides a comprehensive ranking of various cheating dating websites based on factors like user demographics, features, and success rates.
In addition, some dating apps may be more popular in certain geographic regions, so it’s important to research which apps are popular in your area.
Which dating apps should you use?
A quick look at this list of free dating apps will let you compare the different platforms which are available, and find the one that’s right for you.
Uploading poor-quality images
Badly framed, low-resolution photos are surprisingly widespread on the online dating scene, which is a shame given how much impact a picture will have in determining whether or not other users decide to kick off communications with you.
How can you take high-quality snaps?
If you don’t have enough pictures of yourself that are of decent quality, then you’ll need to take some specifically to add to your profile. Get someone else to capture them, because selfies are rarely the most flattering photos. Also remember to follow basic tips to get the best results, such as considering ambient lighting levels and choosing the right filters to apply.
Also, remember that you need to use images that are an honest representation of what you look like now. Don’t opt for images taken many years in the past when you were younger and fitter; this will only create consternation if you do eventually meet up with a would-be romantic partner in the flesh.
Failing to let your unique traits shine out
Scroll through a few online dating profiles and you’ll start to see the same pattern emerging. People will talk about themselves in broad, bland terms which don’t really make them stand out from the crowd.
We all like watching movies, going for long walks on the beach and spending time with our pets. That’s not to say that you can’t talk about your enjoyment of these things, but rather that you need to be a bit more personal and specific rather than generic.
How can you write about your interests in an engaging way?
This is tricky because you don’t want to go too far in the other direction and end up sounding like you’re too quirky or have a very narrow selection of pastimes.
If you love movies, mention your favorite film or director. If you enjoy adventures in the great outdoors, speak about a specific place that’s special to you. Even small personal tidbits like this will make a big difference.
Openly writing off huge swathes of suitors
Another major no-no in online dating that lots of people get wrong on both sides of the gender divide is effectively blacklisting certain types of people front and center on their profiles.
For example, outlining your ‘perfect partner’ might seem like a good idea, but it means you could be filtering out vast numbers of individuals who might actually be right for you if you’d give them the chance.
How can you steer clear of fussiness?
There’s nothing wrong with including a few deal-breaking traits that you absolutely don’t want to see in a partner. For instance, if you can’t abide smoking then it’s not a problem to mention this.
However, don’t mention things like height, weight, job title, medical history, or anything else that’s more of a vague preference than a must-have feature. It will only make you sound impossible to please.
Final thoughts
If you’re not sure whether your online dating profile is up to scratch, the biggest clue will be a lack of interactions from the rest of the platform’s users.
It’s then down to you to go through the facets discussed above and see whether or not you’re making any of these mistakes.
From here, you can change your profile and alter your online dating strategy to ideally get more momentum.