If you have a budding business, then an online presence is essential for promoting your brand and increasing your customer base. 

However, having a high-performance website that ticks all the boxes is a specialist skill that requires commitment and attention to detail.

Here are 5 failsafe ways to build an exemplary website to reel in those customers.

1. Use a Website Building Platform

If you’re not so good at the coding side of website building, you can build a website using platforms like WordPress. Benefit from ready-made and customizable templates with different payment plans depending on your needs as a business. 

You can begin with a free start-up template and then, as your business grows, you can progress through to a £36 per month e-commerce plan.

2. Make Friends with Google

Making friends with search engines is a sure-fire way to encourage more traffic to your website. You want to be sure that searching for keywords relating to your brand will bring your website to the top of the list on Google during a search.

To achieve this, you may want to get a professional SEO Site Audit from Digital Marketing Agencies like Maratopia to assess the areas you may need to tweak to achieve a top-ranking website. This extra leg up the search rankings will increase brand awareness for your business.

3. Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly 

Unsurprisingly, the rising popularity of smartphones has increased the amount of web traffic via mobile devices over the last ten years. Google now estimates that over 50% of online traffic is through a mobile phone.

Therefore, you want to make sure that your website can be navigated through a mobile device easily, with a clear format. 

To achieve this, you can use Google’s free mobile-friendly test to discover whether search engines can crawl through your website to list it on search engine results pages. If your page is not mobile-friendly, you can then set about correcting this.

4. Use Images and Graphics

Using images on your website has several advantages for your website traffic.

Images from your website can appear on Google Image results, but can also appear on main google search results pages, next to search results. 

In fact, having your images at the forefront of a search result is a great way to drive traffic to your site as it provides a link back to your website. 

You can use websites such as Canva to create professional-looking graphics for your pages with minimal effort and free basic access.

5. Improve Accessibility and User Experience

Consumers are more likely to return to your website if your pages are easy to navigate. 

In order to keep your site accessible, make sure you link to 1-3 internal pages and create breadcrumbs for your pages to allow the consumer to navigate back to different pages that they came from.

Which techniques do you use to create an exemplary business website? Leave your answer in the comments below!