Domestic abuse is commonly associated with women as the primary victims and men as the perpetrators of harm, including emotional, physical, or mental abuse. However, statistics portray a more balanced picture.  

According to figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around 26% of men in the U.S. experienced physical or sexual violence and/or stalking by an intimate partner, and 53 million men experienced psychological aggression by an intimate partner during their lifetime.

Unfortunately, domestic abuse against men is still underreported largely due to the stigma associated with coming forward. Stereotypes surrounding manhood and masculinity, as well as feelings of shame and fear of not being believed, can all contribute to this issue. 

In cases of domestic violence, men may fear they will be accused of hitting their partner even if they were the victim. In such situations, it is advisable to speak with an experienced defense lawyer. You can find out more about this by visiting domestic violence in Florida.

In this article, we will take a closer look at some of the signs of domestic abuse against men and practical steps they can take to protect themselves.

What Does Domestic Abuse Look Like?

Domestic abuse against men can manifest in several ways and is not just limited to physical violence. It may include the following:

    • Verbal abuse:  This can be name-calling, insulting, or putting down a man in private or in front of others, leading to low feelings of self-worth, shame, and embarrassment.
    • Excessive Jealousy: Jealousy or possessive behavior that is unwarranted and accusatory, such as accusing a man of being flirtatious or unfaithful. This can result in a partner displaying controlling behaviors towards a man, including stealing their car keys, tracking their whereabouts and online activity, and preventing them from leaving the house.
    • Manipulation: This includes behaviors such as gaslighting, emotional blackmail, and silent treatment in order to control a man’s actions and decisions. 
  • Reduce Independence: This can include restricting or stopping a man’s interactions with their friends and family and attempts to isolate him at home. It can also include restricting their personal choices when it comes to matters such as their finances and spending.
  • Physical violence: This can manifest on a regular basis or on occasions such as when a man’s partner has been drinking alcohol. It can include hitting, shoving, slapping, choking, or throwing objects at a man, as well as using weapons or threatening to self-harm. 

Steps Men Can Take

When a man is facing any of the behaviors mentioned above at the hands of their partner, it is important that they take the following practical steps to protect themselves.

  • Seek help: Find a safe location for you and any children involved by contacting a designated domestic abuse hotline for further advice on your situation. If possible, stay with friends, family members, or another safe location.
  • Collect evidence: Keep records of any abuse, such as photographs of injuries or a diary documenting the dates and times of incidents.
  • Do not retaliate: This could put you at risk of being arrested and jeopardize your safety, as well as any legal proceedings.

By looking out for signs and following the advice above, men can take steps to ensure their safety and well-being in relationships.