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Are Worm Castings Good for All Plants?

Are Worm Castings Good for All Plants?

Worm castings are one of the best secrets for growing amazingly luscious gardens. Not only do they fertilize the soil, but they’re protecting the plants from disease and harmful bacteria. Research shows that in most cases, worms are more efficient than compost.

If you’re wondering if worm castings are suitable for all types of plants, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll explain how worm castings provide organic nutrients for plants. And why it’s essential to use them in your home.

Plants and Worms

Worm castings are safe and easy to use anywhere in your garden. You can use them to make both flower and plant beds, place them in potted plants or hanging baskets. All of them are 100% organic and natural. If you’re afraid that they’ll harm your plant’s roots, rest assured as the worms don’t eat roots but soil surrounding it.

What’s more, they allow you to grow healthy plants that are getting everything they need all year round without additional chemicals or pesticides.

How to Use Worm Castings 

Unlike other animal manure, worm castings are ready to use as soon as you open the bag. Packed with minerals like potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus, they’ll always bring your plants back to life. Of course, it’s best to use it from spring to the end of autumn, because during winter all your plants don’t require as much food.

You can grab the castings from time to time and spread them under the plant. Of course, since they’re organic, you can use as much of it as you want. Use it mixed with seeds and potting soil and add it to your indoor pots.

If you want to use castings as liquid fertilizer, soak them in water and leave for a few days. It will create a potent liquid fertilizer that’s ideal for plants in hanging baskets and young plants that need a lot of food to grow.

How to Use Worm Castings for Vegetables

When transplanting vegetable plants from pots to the soil, it’s useful to mix worm casting and dirt and then add the plant into the mix. As explained by the folks at https://www.simplegrowsoil.com/, all nutrients will slowly get to the root allowing the plant to start fresh. If you have a big vegetable container, you’ll have to mix the perfect soil first and add worms later. In the beginning, try mixing sand, pebbles, perlite, and soil as they’re the base for your garden. After adding castings and water, you’ll have a winning combo to grow tomatoes, zucchini, or any other plant you love.

How to Use Worm Castings for Shrubs and Trees

Castings can also help your trees to grow faster. Every week you can add three cups of casting in a few liters of water and water your trees with it. In a few months, you’ll notice the difference in the color of the leaves as well as the tree’s height.

Hanging Plant Baskets

Hanging baskets with flowers can make your house look and feel like a real home. However, if you want them to look healthy all year round, it requires constant care. If you add just a half cup to the potting soil, your plants will have enough minerals to keep their flowers for a long time.

Plus, you can always use a bit of liquid casting to make sure it will get to the plant’s roots when the time comes to bring them inside, you should add at least a cup of castings to the pot to ensure the health of your plants during winter.

What is Liquid Compost Tea?

One of the best natural home-made soil fertilizers made from worm casting is often called compost tea. Should you want to make it, mix two cups of casting with two gallons of water, and let it soak overnight. You can double the amount of casting added in two gallons of water for a more potent concentration.

When it’s ready, use the solution to water all your plants every few weeks. Don’t forget to use it for both indoor plants and outdoor plants.

Grow Healthy Plants

If you’re looking for a way to regenerate plants in your garden or backyard, there’s no better way than using worm casting. With one big bag, you can repopulate soil with worms and make it healthier.

worm casting good for plants

Worm castings are easy to make and are also available for purchase in any gardening store. For anyone who enjoys agriculture, landscaping, or gardening, this is the best tool for growing healthy plants.