Hard work is an admirable trait. It tells the world that you are willing to put in the work to achieve your goals. However, that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a break from time to time to enjoy life. Burnout is a real problem, especially if you have a demanding job in a city like San Francisco.
You may be earning respectable compensation, but what is the point if you feel stretched too thin?
Vacations are great, but organizing them can be a demanding experience. Moreover, once you’re back home, you have to deal with your responsibilities again. You may feel that the respite came and went in a blink.
Allow us to recommend a passive yet long-term luxury- a private chef.
Why a Private Chef and Not Just a Regular Cook?
Most people hire regular cooks, and that’s perfectly fine. The meals that they prepare are also great, and you can be more than satisfied, especially if you land a talented one. That said, there is something truly unique about bringing on a private chef to prepare your meals.
According to Aunt Ann’s In-House Staffing, private chefs have a broad knowledge of cooking styles and cuisines and excellent presentation skills. They tend to have several years of professional experience, formal training from culinary institutions, and the ability to work seamlessly with the preferences of their employer.
The most obvious reason for hiring a private chef is to enjoy that little bit of luxury in your everyday life. Why spend so much money eating out at expensive restaurants, when you can have food of the same quality prepared for you, at home?
Have you seen how expensive eating out is in San Francisco? You might as well be giving your money away for free.
Sure, San Francisco has a lot of mid-range restaurants, but the joy of going out to eat is the culinary experience. To get that type of experience, you are looking at about $180 to $200 for a dinner for two. Why spend that kind of money when you can enjoy the same style of food, prepared from the comfort of your home?
A private chef is a great option for people who like to enjoy the finer things in a more intimate, familiar setting.
You Start Looking Forward to Inviting Friends and Guests Over
If you own one of those nice Bay Area apartments with killer views, it’s a shame not to share it with friends. Great views demand great food, though, and nothing spoils the mood like waiting for a late Uber Eats delivery.
With a private chef, you instantly have an ace up your sleeve any time people are over.
Your friend is in the mood for something crisp but healthy?” no problem. A private chef will know just what to do and serve up snacks that make your friends say, “Wait a minute. What’s going on? These look amazing! And they’re delicious!”
A private chef increases your coolness by a factor of ten, and there’s no point denying it. Family get-togethers, birthdays, and holidays all become far more enjoyable when you have a professional chef working in your kitchen.
Yes, they may come at a premium rate, but if you are earning well in San Francisco, it’s a worthy investment.
Private Chef’s Make Weight and Health Easier to Manage
If you are someone who cares for your body, hits the gym regularly, and engages in regular exercise, you know how tough diet management is. You are constantly worried about your macros and if you are getting enough protein and vitamins.
With a private chef, you get to discuss your health and fitness goals, and they, in turn, will personalize your culinary experience. When compared to relying on whey protein shakes and takeaway salads, a private chef offers a far more premium experience.
They have the ability to nail down your preferences so well that eating healthy no longer becomes a chore. Instead, it becomes something you look forward to every day. The only challenge would be imagining a life where you have to go back to cooking your own meals!
In conclusion, San Francisco is an expensive city with expensive lifestyles. There are many ways you can spend your money here, but a private chef remains one of the more practical luxuries.
It’s a far better option than some of the other ways you can spend your hard-earned money. You get to enjoy the benefits every day instead of a single, two-week-long vacation once a year.