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Home NEWS How To Arrange The Best Housewarming Party Your Guests Won’t Forget

How To Arrange The Best Housewarming Party Your Guests Won’t Forget

How To Arrange The Best Housewarming Party Your Guests Won’t Forget

Your responsibility as a mover doesn’t come to a halt the moment you arrive in your new home. You still have to throw a housewarming party to present your new residence to your friends and family, and accept gifts from your guests. A housewarming party is a common practice that also serves as your opportunity to reach out and create friendships with your new neighbors.

Although housewarming parties are generally informal, throwing one can be a struggle. This is especially true if you don’t have any idea of where and how to start. Is there a rule to follow when it comes to the number of guests to invite?  How can you manage to prepare for the event and still have the energy to socialize with your guests during the day of the party?

Here are ways on how you can arrange the best housewarming party that your guests won’t forget:

Wait For At Least One Week

The idea of inviting your friends and neighbors to your new house can be very exciting. Aside from spending time with these individuals, the housewarming party can also showcase how successful you have been as a mover.

But, regardless of how tempting it is to send digital invites using Greenvelope and other similar apps, the moment you arrive in your new home, don’t do it. You don’t want to welcome your guests when you’re still busy cleaning your home or arranging the furnishings, right?

Wait for at least one week after you’ve settled in your new home before thinking about throwing a housewarming party. This will give you ample time to unpack all of your moving boxes, put all of your appliances in place, and thoroughly clean the area.

Exert Effort To Tell Your Neighbors To Stop In

The relationship you’ll have with your neighbors can affect your ability to adapt to your new environment. It’ll be easy for you to feel “at home” if you are friends with your neighbors. The tighter your relationship is with your neighbors, the more fun you’ll have in your new neighborhood.

Although it can be nerve-wracking, exert some effort to invite your neighbors to your housewarming party. Since you still don’t have the email addresses of your neighbors, muster up your confidence and invite them personally. If you see them at your local groceries or somewhere in the neighborhood, start the conversation by telling them the details about your housewarming party. Your invitation can serve as an ice breaker for you to introduce yourself to your new neighbors.

These small gestures will surely go a long way for you to create meaningful and healthy friendships with your neighbors!

Set Up A Housewarming Registry

Guests would usually show up in a housewarming party and bring gifts for the homeowner. Often, guests would give plants, blankets, or food storage containers. Any item that is used around the home is an excellent option for a housewarming gift.

However, with the number of options available, choosing which to give can be challenging for your guests. How can they determine what you want in your home?  How can they avoid buying duplicated items?  Make the process of choosing gifts easy for your guests by setting up a housewarming registry.

When you sign up for a housewarming gift registry, you will be able to list down the brands and prices of the items you want to have from a particular online or offline store. The store will tick off items from your list once your guests have purchased any of these.

Through a housewarming gift registry, your guests can easily pick out items that you need without having to go in circles when buying. This will surely save them a lot of time and effort. And, as for you, the gift registry can also guarantee that you’ll receive items in different varieties, not of the same kind or in the same color!

Give It A Theme

Although a housewarming party is an informal gathering, this doesn’t mean that you should invite guests and just expect them to go with the flow. What will they do the moment they arrive in your place?  Do you have any activities in mind?  Giving a theme to your housewarming party will surely make the occasion more fun and memorable.

Depending on your preferences and the available space in your property, you can have a garden-themed party and serve food outdoors. You can use garden-related decorations to properly set the tone. If you love to spend time in the kitchen, you can swap recipes and serve some of your baked goodies during the housewarming party.

There are a lot of themes that apply to housewarming parties; you just need to find one that truly highlights your uniqueness and interests as a homeowner.

Set The Atmosphere With Music

Regardless of the space of your home or the number of guests you plan to invite, you should never disregard the importance of putting some tunes on during your housewarming party. Music is an essential element in any housewarming party because it generates positive experiences, raises emotions, and changes moods.

You can look for housewarming playlists available on different online platforms, and play them on the day of your event. If you have personal preferences when it comes to music, you can make your playlist from scratch and put it on during your housewarming party!

Plan A Grand Tour

One of the reasons why housewarming parties are being thrown is because it allows the homeowner to showcase their new residence. Give guests what they want by planning a grand tour around your new home or encourage them to wander around your property.

If all of your decors are already set up before the housewarming party, explain to your guests what was your inspiration in designing your home and where you bought the pieces. The information you’ll give during your grand tour can inspire your guests to also decorate their homes, similar to what you did to yours!

It’s Easy When You Know How

Planning and throwing a housewarming party will require time and effort, but this doesn’t have to be stressful. As long as you know what you should do, the entire process can be super fun and easy!