When thinking about marketing opportunities for your business, utilizing events may not have topped the list. Since most marketing efforts are kept in the online sphere, in-person events aren’t seen as profitable, but that isn’t the case.
Hosting a conference, trade show, and store event is a great way for your business to get to know its existing and potential customers.
Reach New Customers With Event Marketing
Reaching new attendees is the biggest challenge for event creators, but you can put new eyes on your brand with a bit of clever marketing.
Keep in mind that a trade show that brings in a lot of attendees won’t guarantee new or even your ideal customer. It’s important to research the demographic you’re trying to track. Otherwise, you’re wasting time and money.
To attract more attention to your event, start marketing to untraditional or busier locations. This guide to event strategies explains that diversifying your scope, or even your products, will bring in more new buyers. Be sure to market using keywords for social media and search engines.
Connect With Current Loyal Customers
Your current customers don’t need to be convinced that you’re the right person for the job, but they may need incentives to stay loyal. Events typically offer swag, like keychains and lanyards, to people who attend.
While this can work in some circles, a trendier crowd is unlikely to care. Offer incentives, like an actually stylish T-shirt, to the first 100 guests to get people in the door.
Marketing this event will be easier for your brand because your customers likely already follow you on social media. Posting on social media also makes it easier for your customers to share the event. Eventually, the buzz will build offline, increasing brand momentum further.
Partner With Other Non-Competitor Brands
Brand partners aren’t just there to pay your bills; they also amplify your brand simply by working with you.
If the brand you choose is trusted by the community and doesn’t create a conflict of interest, their recommendation will help your business grow. However, you have to be careful when picking your partners because their reputation could reflect poorly on your brand.
Research every brand you plan to work with before entering into a deal. Only work with a partner that has the same brand characteristics and objectives as your own. Then, ensure your partner is bringing their own audience to the event, so you can attract new business.
Include People Who Can’t Attend the Event
In-person events are a great way to engage an audience, but what if someone who really wants to attend has to cancel? Should they just be left out of the event? Absolutely not! Live stream your event on video broadcasting sites, like Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube, to keep your current customers and potential buyers in the loop, no matter where they are, from any device.
All three sites will advertise your Livestream to anyone subscribed to your page, but they’ll also be shown to people who subscribe to your subscribers. Live events can essentially triple the number of eyes that are watching your brand without paying extra for marketing.
Research Your Target Audience More Effectively
The people who come to your event (and stay until the end) are likely a part of your key customer demographic, which is primarily who you sell to. These customers provide insight into the preferences of your target audiences. To store this relevant data, you may need event-ticketing software, as it can yield valuable information about who your attendees are.
If you grab each attendees’ email address, you can create customized event registration forms that allow your customers to ask questions about your brand. At the end of the event, send a follow-up survey that helps you gather information about your customer’s needs and habits.