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How You Can Support Your Aging Parent

How You Can Support Your Aging Parent

Are you wondering how you can help your aging parent? As our senior loved ones get older, they will usually need assistance with daily tasks. While it can be difficult watching your parents age, you can make their retirement a happier one by giving them support when they need it.

Whether they need help managing their finances, maintaining their home, filling out paperwork, or navigating technology, you can show you care by being there for them. To make the transition to carer an easier one, here are a few tips to help you support your aging parent.

In the Home

There may be a time when you need to discuss downsizing with your parent. When one parent is left alone, they may prefer a smaller residence that is easier to maintain. If their health is declining, or they are finding it challenging to cook, clean, and care for their hygiene, they might benefit from relocating to a nursing facility.

Alternatively, if your aging parent is still independent, they may like to remain in the family home. You can support them by making their house accessible, catering to any mobility issues (e.g., install rails and ramps where necessary).

On the Road

Does your aging parent still drive a car? To keep them protected on the road, make sure they have the right auto insurancepolicy. Comparing plans can be confusing, especially for those who aren’t tech-savvy. Look for a policy that covers them financially regardless of who is at fault, as well as collisions, fire, theft, and weather damage.

If your parent only drives on the odd occasion, you may be able to reduce the cost of their premiums by choosing a plan that is based on miles traveled.

A Healthy Lifestyle

You can support your parent’s health by ensuring they have easy access to their primary health care physician. You may even like to go to appointments with them and act as an advocate. Keep in regular contact to make sure they are taking any medications as prescribed.

You can encourage your parent to stay active by helping them find a local senior fitness group. There is something suitable for every interest and capability. For example, your parent might enjoy joining a walking, gardening, or yoga club. Plus, there are meal delivery services available if your parent is having trouble preparing healthy food.

Navigating Technology

Technology is quickly becoming part of our everyday lives and can be an excellent way to stay connected. Often, seniors find learning to use computers and video chat daunting, but with your guidance, they will be able to keep in touch virtually.

Having access to family and friends via the internet will be good for your parent’s mental health. They will be able to talk to their children and grandchildren at the touch of a button, and you will be able to monitor their condition from afar.

Supporting Your Aging Parent

If you are worried about your aging parent, there are ways you can show your support. Make sure they have adequate auto insurance if they are still driving and access to quality healthcare.

You may like to discuss their living arrangements to determine whether they would be more comfortable downsizing, or if they need any items installed to make their home more accessible. With your ongoing support, your aging parent will be able to enjoy their senior years.