Every human being, from baby to adult, is a collection of diverse cells that combine to form systems and, in certain combinations, provide life support. It turns out that for each cell in our body, there are 10 to 100 microorganisms constantly interacting with it and to a great extent determining the metabolic processes and human health. These microorganisms are called biotic.
The more scientists study the properties of breast milk, the more it becomes unclear how nature could create such a complex, multi-component, and perfect product that provides all the needs of a baby. Breast milk ensures the growth of the baby, the development of all systems of his body, the formation of immunity, as well as the mental abilities of the child.
Biotics in a baby’s life
Research in recent years has shown that important components of breast milk and infant nutrition are a family of “biotics” involved in the programming of many features of a baby’s life.
What is the biotic family? The term “biotic” comes from the Greek word biōtikós, which means “relating to life.” Biotic refers to a biological ecosystem made up of living microorganisms along with their physical environment, that is, the child’s body. To date, we know that the biotic family includes:
- Prebiotics – nutritional components that affect the growth and vitality of the baby’s microflora. They are essential “food” for beneficial bacteria. Prebiotics-oligosaccharides are found in significant quantities in breast milk and are also added to quality baby formula.
- Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when consumed in sufficient quantities, benefit the health of the host. These are primarily lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria. They also happen to be present in breast milk and are necessary for a baby to form a healthy gut microbiota, develop the immune system, develop food tolerance, synthesize many nutritional elements, including vitamins, and strengthen the integrity of the intestinal barrier.
In practice, the use of probiotics and prebiotics in the baby organic formula has proven the following positive effects:
- Immunomodulatory;
- Anti-inflammatory;
- Antimicrobial;
- Antioxidant;
- Antidepressant;
- Reduce cholesterol and blood pressure levels;
- Contribute to the prevention of obesity.
Pediatricians say that fermented infant formula with added galacto- and fructooligosaccharides are a quality food option for formula-fed infants. It better approximates the development indicators of artificially-fed infants to those of breastfed infants, reducing the incidence of colic, constipation, and digestive disorders. This reduces the anxiety of the baby and those around him.
When it is advisable to use formulae with probiotics and prebiotics
For infants, it is advisable to use milk formulas with probiotics in the following cases:
- infant colic
- dysbacteriosis
- diarrhea
- constipation
- flatulence
- bad environment
For example, in the spring period, internal infections are exacerbated, and weaknesses of the body become more vulnerable. First, allergic diseases, stomach, and intestinal problems are exacerbated. This is especially true for children, especially young children because their immune system is just being formed.
For children’s immune system to be stronger, the food is better digested and actively absorbed nutrients, children just need probiotics. After all, children’s body microflora are constantly in a state of struggle with pathogenic organisms. Probiotics also have a devastating effect on pathogenic bacteria and can restore the normal microflora after the disease. They are found in specially formulated medications or added to baby formula. This is ideal for parents. So if you find the label “containing probiotics and prebiotics” on the package of milk formula, then you are lucky, and your baby will not have to go through digestive issues. Also, keep reading about baby’s nutrition on blogs like Serenity Kids.