For decades, cigars have epitomized sophistication, indulgence, and status. Celebrated in opulent cigar lounges or at exclusive events, cigars have long been synonymous with luxury. However, as societal preferences shift, vaping has emerged as a chic and health-conscious alternative, promising the same sense of luxury without the myriad health concerns linked to smoking. But can vaping truly match the luxury experience of a fine cigar?
A Tailored Experience
Vaping offers what cigars inherently cannot: an almost limitless degree of customization. From the aesthetics of the devices to a vast array of premium e-liquid flavors, vaping allows users to craft an experience that resonates with their personal tastes.
“Flavors are a significant draw for vaping,” according to James Smith, Head of Vaping Community at, an online vaping supplies store. “From intricate dessert-inspired blends to exotic and artisanal flavors, there’s a profile for every connoisseur.”
Luxury vapers often opt for boutique, high-end e-liquids, crafted with the same meticulous care as premium cigars. This customization — from nicotine strength to vapor density — provides a level of control that many cigar enthusiasts are beginning to find appealing.
A More Health-Conscious Choice?
A pivotal factor driving vaping’s popularity over cigars is health awareness.
Traditional cigar smoking involves combustion, releasing tar, toxins, and other harmful substances. Vaping, on the other hand, heats e-liquid to produce vapor, significantly reducing harmful chemical intake.
“While not risk-free, vaping is considered much less harmful than smoking cigars,” Smith explains.
Data from Public Health England supports this, stating that vaping is about 95% less harmful than smoking. This statistic makes vaping an enticing option for those who cherish the ritual of smoking but are wary of cigars’ health implications.
Convenience and Discretion
Cigars, while luxurious, are not always practical. They demand proper storage, preparation, and time to savor. Vaping devices, especially high-end models, offer portability, elegance, and discretion.
Luxury vaping devices are crafted from premium materials like carbon fiber, brushed metal, and even leather, making them as much a statement of style as of function.
Vaping also aligns better with contemporary lifestyles. With increasing smoking restrictions, vaping provides a socially acceptable way to indulge where cigar smoking might be prohibited.
Nicotine-Free Luxury
For cigar smokers who relish the flavor but wish to avoid nicotine, vaping is a boon.
“There’s a growing trend towards nicotine-free vaping,” notes Smith. “It allows users to enjoy the flavors and rituals of smoking without nicotine’s addictive properties.”
This shift is particularly popular among younger luxury consumers who value wellness and mindful living, yet still appreciate the sophisticated allure of a premium smoking experience
In 2024, responding to consumer demand, Reynolds American, which manufactures cigarettes under the Camel and Newport brands, announced its new nicotine-free brand of vapes called Sensa.
The Future of Luxury Smoking?
As vaping continues to evolve, it’s not merely an alternative to smoking. It’s establishing itself as a luxury experience and according to Smith, it “encapsulates the indulgence, ritual, and flavor complexity that cigar enthusiasts cherish, but with greater adaptability and fewer health risks.”