With many types of RV batteries on the market and plenty of different situations that require different features, it can be quite easy to get lost. This is why we’ve listed some of the qualities you should look for when buying a battery for your RV.

Size and Power

Another important feature you should look for in your RV battery is the battery size and power. The battery size will change how much power it can hold. Batteries that are larger than ten hold more power, which roughly translates to – your appliances will stay powered for longer. However, you should keep in mind that not all RVs can hold a larger battery, no matter how convenient it is. How much power the battery can put out will determine how long everything will be powered. This power at hand is measured in amp-hours. Amp-hours describe how many amps the battery can discharge in a certain period (in this case, 20 hours). Another term – the RC, or Reserve Capacity, is used to describe the number of minutes the battery lasts while providing amp output. In simpler terms, you should look for batteries that have more amp hours and RC as well, so they could keep your RV, and everything in it powered for longer.

Quality Materials

One of the most important qualities to look for when buying a battery for your RV is the type of material it is made out of. More specifically, what material is used in the battery itself? At this time in technological development, lithium is by far the best option because it lasts much longer than other materials, however, it can be very expensive for most people to cash out at once even though it will pay off in the long run. The next best thing to lithium batteries for your RV is a battery called Absorbed Glass Mat battery (AGM battery) which is maintenance-free and is made from the standard lead-acid composure with a fiberglass mat to absorb sulfuric acid within the battery. They have been shown to withstand colder temperatures well and usually have a longer life than the least expensive type of RV battery – the simple lead-acid battery. The simple lead-acid batteries are the least expensive option but have the shortest life span and require monthly maintenance to be able to perform. If you are looking for smaller batteries for your watch, devices, toys, and so on, you should consider the lr41 battery. Read how it differs from sr41 and how it can help you.

Best RV Battery Depends on Your Situation

Ultimately, the aspect which will determine which qualities you should look for when buying a battery for your RV is the situation you will be using it in. In some instances, when RVers are rarely without shore power, they tend to just drive from home to a campground which leaves them requiring batteries of a small capacity and no investments in larger sized or deep cycle RV batteries. In these situations, a common size RV battery (size 24 or 27 12v battery) will do a decent job. However, if you frequently camp without being plugged into shore power, also known as boondocking, this is not a good option. As the professionals behind smartexploring.com/best-RV-battery-for-boondocking explain, boondocking requires a high-capacity battery with a deep cycling capability. Deep cycling batteries are best advised for these situations because they are the best combination of battery life, capacity as well as price.

Don’t Forget the Maintenance.

Once all is said and done about what qualities to look for before investing in a battery for your RV, depending on your specific needs, you should still keep in mind that proper maintenance will significantly help you out. It can guarantee that the battery life will be used to its maximum, and you will end up saving money in the long run with these simple maintenance tasks. RV battery maintenance will depend mostly on what type of battery you have. If you have a lithium battery, for example, it will require pretty much no maintenance, but other types have specific needs. Flooded-cell batteries will lose water over time with each charge cycle which will need to be replenished monthly with distilled water only. Battery terminals should be cleaned to remove any corrosion that many have built up with a mixture of baking soda and water. Furthermore, if the batteries get too low on charge, it will increase sulfation which begins below 80% charge. This is why it’s the best advice to recharge your batteries often, ideally as soon as they hit the 80% charge, which is the sulfation mark.

Buying RV battery

These are some of the essential qualities to look for when buying a battery for your RV. Make sure you have the right one for the situation you usually find yourself in. If you’re predominantly boondocking, make sure you have the right means to support your RV.