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What benefits can one get from ICT in education?

What benefits can one get from ICT in education?

The level of modern social development is determined by its intellectual potential, namely, its ability to produce, absorb, and practically use new knowledge and technology. In this case, the natural basis of modern society is primarily education, and therefore, the process of educational system modernization so it must not only correspond to a rapidly growing world but be also ahead of the whole social development. The evolution of the education system in the modern world is associated with the widespread introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) into the educational process.

For any modern university, ICT is a set of interrelated common principles and concepts, standards and rules, theoretical innovations that determine, in general, not only the functioning but also the development of educational and innovative structures. The use of ICT at all stages of the educational process allows the future specialists to teach teamwork skills in the framework of electronic network structures, to learn the promotion of their knowledge and skills at the market of highly qualified personnel via electronic space.

Education is a complicated process, and students usually do not have a clue on how to make it less stressful. In such a situation, ICT is a great way to look for new ideas and inspiration. For example, it usually happens that students have no idea how to start writing their research or thesis paper. Then, it is possible to get on the Internet and look for a coursework writing service. Many relevant papers are free to look through, and in such a way, students are to find out the right direction for their researches. Online sources bring a fresh vision and allow keeping up an aspiration for paper writing. The use of ICT in education is based on the following tasks:

  • Development of multimedia electronic educational resources, including online webinars and hands-on lectures;
  • Introduction of e-learning systems and working out on their basis the methodological aspects of the use of e-learning technology;
  • Organization of regulated access of students to information and educational content, including automated laboratory practical training, industrial equipment operating based on IT-technologies, etc.;
  • Use of components of the Quality Management System in the organization of educational processes.

Informatization is one of the most significant areas of world scientific and technological progress. It represents an exponentially increasing production and use of information, primarily knowledge, in the interests of man and society as a whole.

Informatization of education is one of the most important conditions for the successful development of the processes of society because thanks to education, people are prepared for different life situations. Informatization of education is nothing but the process of creating a scientific and educational information environment.

This process is not only associated with the development of the necessary material and technical base of the education system but also involves the preparation of educational and methodological materials of the new generation, the formation of fundamentally new teaching culture in terms of the use of information, and educational environment.

Areas and methods of using ICT are very diverse and allow students to:

  • Change the nature of the development, acquisition, and dissemination of knowledge;
  • Open up opportunities for updating learning content and teaching methods;
  • Expand access to general and vocational education;

It should be noted that there a lot of benefits one can get from using ICT in the educational process:

  • Free higher education institution enter;
  • Open plan of the learning process (drawing up an individual educational trajectory – a sequence of modules from the system of training courses of the corresponding program);
  • Problem solution to interactive communication in the field of teacher and students day-to-day interaction;
  • Monitoring of learning capabilities and ensuring its growth;
  • Access to educational materials stored on a variety of information servers and databases of telecommunications networks;
  • Integration of domestic and foreign education systems, allowing students to get education both in the country and abroad;
  • Learning on an everyday basis (regardless of age, qualifications, health, working conditions, distance from the training center, etc.);
  • Choosing the place of study (independent choice of the area of study).

Particular attention should be paid to the following pedagogical aspects of training that teachers should adhere to when using ICT:

  • A teacher should not be just a mechanism for delivering course content. A teacher must, first of all, help students learn how to develop their understanding of the course material;
  • Learning is a highly interactive process. Students bring with them a whole set of knowledge. Interaction between teacher and students is a clue.

Nowadays, the use of ICT is of crucial importance, and every educational institution should strive to implement its best components.