Of all the things you think of as being necessary for the workplace, climate control and ventilation are probably low on the list. They may not even be there at all! The first things that come to mind might be functioning equipment, a reduction in safety hazards, strong leadership, team effort, and the list goes on. However, what many workers don’t realize is that climate control and ventilation should actually be near the top of the list, if not at the very top. Here’s why.
Fresh, Clean Air Is Vital to Health and Performance
Have you ever been in a room where there was so much dust that you couldn’t take a deep breath without coughing? Even those without allergies suffer from inhaling stagnant air. You might be able to tolerate it for a day or two, but after prolonged periods your lungs will suffer the consequences. Not only will you be susceptible at that point to a number of upper respiratory issues, but you will not be getting sufficient oxygen coursing through your veins. This will not only result in illness but will interfere with productivity as well. It only takes installing a heat recovery ventilation system like those found on the BPC Ventilation Ltd website to keep the air well ventilated.
The Average Range of Temperatures a Body Can Tolerate
There is a certain temperature range in which the human body is ‘built’ to operate within a range of homeostasis and that is between 4 and 39 degrees Celsius. Here again, not only can prolonged exposure to temperatures outside this range be unhealthy physically, but the body isn’t built to work outside that range for very long. As is the case with stagnant air, productivity will suffer as well. Along with adequate ventilation, climate control in the workplace is an absolute must. Unfortunately, the high cost of energy is always a concern for an employer’s bottom line, so temperatures are often lower than what is healthy and comfortable.
Comfort Is the Operative Word for Everyone Involved
If you stop to think about it for just a moment, everyone from employees to customers are affected by a lack of fresh air and comfortable temperatures. This is often why so many customers leave without making a purchase. For example, how many times have you been to market to buy the week’s groceries only to leave before making it through the refrigerated and frozen section? If it’s too cold to stay long enough to browse the selections, you can imagine what uncomfortable temperatures will do in any customer-facing business. The same goes for premises which are kept too hot.
A Final Question Answered
So then, why are climate control and ventilation important in the workplace? The very most important reason would be health and safety. Being asked to work in stagnant air that is too hot or too cold can cause a huge number of physical ailments. Also, customers aren’t likely to stick around long enough to buy anything if they can’t shop or do business in relative comfort. Or, put another way, if you are uncomfortable for too long, you know that something needs to change. Comfort is the body’s early warning system and that is really all there is to it.