Drinking coffee can make you feel more awake and alert, but it can lead to several negative consequences when your caffeine addiction gets out of control. All hope is not lost if you’re overdoing it on the coffee.
There are things you can do to limit your coffee consumption. The following are some quick tips to stop drinking too much coffee:
Don’t Start Your Day With Caffeine
Many people love making their perfect cup of coffee first thing in the morning or picking it up at their local coffee shop. If you need a little kick in the morning, consider opting for tea instead of coffee.
Green tea is especially beneficial because it contains L-theanine, an amino acid that promotes relaxation while sharpening focus. It also does not have the jittery effect that coffee can cause. If you must start your day with coffee, drink it before doing anything else and limit yourself to one cup.
Get Rid of All Your Coffee Paraphernalia
If you’re trying to scale back on your coffee intake, it may be best to eliminate all of your coffee paraphernalia. That means purging the excess cups, the packets in your desk drawers, and anything else that is technically yours but doesn’t serve a purpose.
Friends and family may have gotten you some of the best presents for coffee lovers. However, if you are trying to reduce your coffee consumption, you will have to get rid of some of them or at least put them far away in storage. When you don’t have access to something you love, it makes it much easier to say no.
Drink Only Certain Types of Coffee
Coffee is lovely, but sometimes too much of a good thing can be bad. If you are struggling with your caffeine intake, consider drinking only decaf or just one type of coffee.
For example, if you’re used to drinking drip, try switching to an espresso-based drink for a change instead, which allows you to limit your caffeine intake without sacrificing the taste of your coffee.
You can teach yourself to recognize quality coffee, so you only drink various high-quality coffee types. Then, you can enjoy the taste and smell of your coffee without worrying about how much caffeine you’re consuming.
Limit Your Caffeine Intake to Match Your Values
Some people can limit their caffeine intake by keeping track of how much they’re drinking with a journal. Using this method, you write down every cup of coffee and every other caffeinated beverage that crosses your lips.
When you do this, you can see exactly how much caffeine you’re drinking and when you reach your limit, it’s time to stop. If this method works for you, it doesn’t matter what type of coffee you drink. It also helps if you only drink certain types of coffee based on your values.
Do Not Take Caffeine After Lunchtime
You might get the urge to drink another cup of coffee right before lunch. Don’t give in. If you’re feeling tired around lunchtime, try drinking a tall glass of water to help boost your energy again.
Coffee affects the body’s metabolism and energy production. As a result, it may interfere with a good night’s sleep. Drinking coffee in the late afternoon can also affect your sleep schedule and cause sleepless nights.
For example, if you do not want to take in extra caffeine in the afternoon, you only drink coffee before noon when it’s quality instead of quantity.
Some people know that they need to cut back on their coffee intake but don’t know-how. The best way is to start slow by drinking one cup less per day, gradually increasing your restraint over time.
Of course, there will be days when you want to let yourself off the leash and drink as much coffee as possible, but it’s essential to get back to your plan as soon as you can. Some people even find it helpful to set a timer on their phone every time they drink another cup of coffee.
Remember, feeling tired is natural, and there are plenty of ways to increase alertness without caffeine.