When you make the difficult decision to move into an assisted living community, you might assume that making sacrifices and compromises are unavoidable.
The reality is that with the right approach and plenty of planning, this is a transition that doesn’t have to create friction or frustration.
Here are some tips for those who are facing this situation themselves or are involved in the process of helping older family members take the leap.
Declutter well in advance
One of the most painful parts of uprooting from an independent property to accommodation that’s almost certainly smaller and more communal is that there’s less space for all of the possessions that you accumulate in the course of a lifetime.
As such, it’s better to start the downsizing process sooner rather than later, whether by giving cherished items to family members, storing them, or selling them to third parties.
Whittling down what you bring with you to the essentials will avoid any new residence feeling cramped because it’s so crammed with objects. And if you do this over the course of years, rather than in one flurry right at the last moment before moving, it will be less stressful and emotionally fraught.
Find the right community
Another part of the process that you can’t afford to rush is picking a community that not only aligns with your personal preferences but also meets the wider needs of maintaining your quality of life.
On-site facilities and management style, as well as the other residents themselves, need to be assessed. But also remember to consider the location of the premises. Finding luxury retirement communities that fit all your needs can make a significant difference in your quality of life. Be sure to visit in person to get a sense of the atmosphere and see if it aligns with your expectations.
For example, finding a good retirement community in Raleigh is worthwhile if it will leave you within easy reach of your friends and family.
Keep your mind and your body engaged
A mistake that a lot of people make when transitioning to assisted living is that they allow themselves to be totally subsumed by the routines of the community, to the point that they become far less engaged with the world around them.
You still need to make an effort to build social connections, keep your mind active, and also work on your physical health.
Finding a community that offers ample opportunities for mental health support and stimulation, as well as fitness and exercise, is useful for this reason.
Be honest and open
There’s no point beating about the bush when it comes to discussing this major life change, whether you’re the one undergoing it or a loved one who’s experiencing this with their own relatives.
How this topic is discussed, both in terms of the language used and the attitudes expressed makes a big difference in how seamlessly the transition takes place.
Honesty and positivity are the best stances to adopt. You want to feel able to voice your concerns while also endeavoring to actually express some enthusiasm about the benefits that will come further down the line.
Ask for help
Trying to bear the burden of transitioning to an assisted living facility or retirement community of any kind on your own is never wise.
If you are worried about things like preserving the quality of life you enjoy, voice these concerns rather than bottling them up. There are people in your life who will be able to assist you in allaying any fears, and the right communities will also step in to support you at this stage.
The bottom line
This process is always going to involve a degree of disruption and heartache, but it can also be a new beginning that brings light to your golden years, so plan thoroughly, and you’ll reap the rewards.