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Do the Rich and Famous Play Bingo?

Do the Rich and Famous Play Bingo?

Once considered as a game for your elderly female relatives to enjoy once a week down at the local bingo hall, online and mobile bingo has revolutionized how we view the social game to such an extent that mobile phone bingo sites are not only attracting the everyday player, they are attracting the wealthy, the famous – and royalty!

Bingo is one of the games that transferred over to the smaller screens perfectly incorporating the technical advances into games which provide players with games that are entertaining without losing the social side that bingo is so very famous for.

Successfully managing to open itself up to a wider audience that preconceived idea that bingo was a game of the working classes soon went out of the window, and you might be surprised just who does enjoy a game or two and has done for years.

One of the most lovers of the game is Catherine Zeta-Jones CBE who believes her love for the game stems from her childhood in Wales (born and bred in Swansea) – and instead of it fading as she became older and more famous it’s been reported that the A-lister often hosts bingo parties in her home in Bedford, New York. It has also been reported that she even has her own custom- made bingo cards. In fact, it was due to her parents. Patricia Fair and David James Jones winning £100,000 playing bingo that enabled Catherine to be enrolled in dance and ballet classes.

Russell Crowe, the Aussie superstar who is known more for his surly attitude as well as his brilliant acting skills was reportedly a bingo caller (his first job) back in his 20’s in his hometown. Unfortunately, he ended up getting himself fired because he made up far too many rude names. When married to Daniele Spencer the couple were spotted visiting bingo halls together when she was pregnant so perhaps once you have experienced this type of fun they want to experience it again stays with you.

An interesting celebrity who enjoys a game of bingo is Cristiano Ronaldo – one of the world’s best footballers and probably one of the most iconic figures of all time enjoys a game of bingo. When he made the move from Lisbon back in 2003 to join Sir Alex Ferguson’s Manchester United Ronaldo struggled with the English Language, and it was bingo that came to the rescue in the form of a bingo DVD game. The game helped Ronaldo to develop his English Language Skills – phrases as well as words and as he learned he also became enamored with the game describing it as ‘very exciting’ to one Portuguese newspaper.

Other household names that are known to enjoy a game or two of bingo are Robbie Williams, who is known to take part in a number of bingo events in both Hollywood and the UK. Sharon Osbourne loves the game f bingo so much she went as far as creating her own bingo site. Gary Barlow along with Mark Owen and Howard Donald have all said they enjoy a game of bingo when on tour, and Mr. Barlow even incorporated a bingo game into his wedding anniversary celebration.

When he attended Sandhurst Military Academy it’s been reported that a young Prince William used to spend some of his free time in a local bingo hall which goes to show us that the age-old game spans not only time but also cultures having stood the test of time its proved itself as a game f he people regardless of whether they are rich or poor, famous or not.