Millions of people all over the world keep pets. They may be anything from a hamster to a kitten, a dog to a chameleon. Whatever the species, they will all have their individual needs and requirements.
Anyone who considers owning a pet snake will want to do plenty of research beforehand. They may not know the maintenance and care required and fear it may be too demanding. But is this actually the case, or do they require only a moderate amount of looking after? Let’s find out together right now.
The Accommodation
The first thing a new snake owner will need to do is to buy a large terrarium. This will be the enclosure the snake will live inside.
Due to snakes’ abilities to escape at any given opportunity, it’s wise to keep the terrarium against walls to reduce the potential exit points. Having said that, you still need to provide sufficient ventilation.
Temperature And Humidity
The required levels will vary between different species; it is essential that they remain consistent at all times. This will help the snake remain at a healthy body temperature. Without this, there could be issues with such things as the skin shedding process.
Some people buy heat lamps together with thermometers and hygrometers. According to the specialists at mysnakepet.com/snake-heating-pads/ snake heating pads can be ideal for this purpose. People put these on the base or at the side of the terrarium. They include built-in thermometer controllers. Not only do they create heat, but they generate hotspots. Snakes use these, for example, when they have eaten and require warmer air.
Food And Water
It’s a low maintenance task providing clean water for a snake. Replace it daily, and change it should dirt or feces enter the bowl.
Foodwise, snakes eat a variety of food, including fish, worms, birds, insects, or eggs. Needless to say, it depends on the species. However, when it comes to most pet snakes, they will require rodents, including rats and mice (Squeamish people would buy an Indian or African egg-eating Snake as an alternative!) Pre-frozen rodents can be purchased in special packs from pet stores. They will be in the section marked ‘prey items,’ and it’s wise to keep twelve or so in the freezer at all times. Anyone who struggles with the idea of keeping dead animals in their freezer may wish to consider buying a second one that is devoted to this purpose.
Hunger-wise, an adult snake will probably need one item every two or three weeks. Younger snakes will require between one and two a week. If you have a female snake, check its breeding season to eat more during this time. If the snake doesn’t seem to want the food, wiggle it, so it appears alive. If there is still an issue, it may be necessary for a live mouse or rat to be introduced into the enclosure. However, keep a close eye on the process as live creatures sometimes bite and harm snakes during this time.
Snakes sadly carry salmonella bacteria. This means you should always wear gloves and goggles when cleaning its enclosure, and wear gloves if you handle it. The good news is snakes don’t provoke allergy sufferers in the way that cats and dogs can.
Remove any feces when they appear, and clean the terrarium once a week. Every month, perform a deep clean using a disinfectant. You’ll need a spare enclosure to keep the snake in whilst this happens. Provided you stick to your cleaning regime, there should be no smells coming from the terrarium.
Vet Visits
One should be made initially to ensure the reptile has no diseases or parasites.
After that, an annual examination should suffice unless the snake demonstrates any adverse symptoms. They may include being listless and not recoiling when touched. Also, beware of its eyes become sunken or if it stops eating for weeks or months. Should it have a pink hue on its underside, this would be a major cause for concern, as it could be suffering from sepsis.
Good Breeds For Beginners
Large snakes can be challenging to keep, as would be the venomous varieties. New snake owners would find it easier to cope with king snakes or corn snakes, or a children’s python or rosy boa.
As we can see, snakes require specialized care rather than many hours of maintenance. Provided this continues to be provided, the snake should bring many hours of pleasure for many years to come.