Anybody can become permanent or temporarily disabled at any age. Statistics have revealed that many millennials in the USA have about a 30% chance of experiencing a disabling condition before they retire. These alarming statistics have been informed by the Social Security Administration, which means that the chances that you won’t be able to work until you retire are greater than you think.
Despite the significant risk of disability, many people have hardly applied for short-term nor long-term disability insurance. What should I do if I sustain an illness or injury that restricts me from fully working? One of the best options is to apply for monthly disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSD). If you have no understanding of how the SSD and its benefits work, well, this guide will provide you with an in-depth knowledge of how everything works. So, ensure you read until the end.
Let’s Start Here: What Are Social Security Disability Benefits (SSD)?
SSD benefits are monthly remittance that helps support individuals who acquire disabilities which hinder them from working. If you have a disability, then you qualify to receive the disability benefits. However, the process can be challenging and frustrating, which is why you need to work with a professional Jackson, MS SSD Lawyer who will help you get the support you need and ensure that you receive what you qualify for. The Social Security Administration pays disability benefits using two different schemes. These schemes are Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Both programs use the same primary definition of “disabled,” although they have significant vital differences. SSDI is designed to replace lost income for a worker who becomes disabled and is covered by Social Security. On the other hand, SSI is based on financial needs and not an individual’s work record.
Who Qualifies for Social Security Disability (SSD)?
To qualify for SSA disability benefits, you must meet two of the set mandatory criteria. The most important one is that you need to have worked in Social Security-covered employment for a specified duration. What this means is that you’ll need to satisfy what is commonly known as a “duration of work” test. It’s important to note that the minimum requirements depend on your age. You’re also required to have worked for a certain period (depends on your age) promptly before your disability. The second one – which is a no-brainer – is that you need to be disabled. However, it’s vital to point out that you need to be completely unable to work. Social Security does not offer short-term or partial disability benefits to individuals.
How Much Do You Get?
You’re probably wondering how much you will get for your disability. Just like with any retired worker, your Social Security-taxed income is used to determine what you qualify for. Generally, the amount you can expect to receive from SSDI is moderately less than what you would have received had you worked until retirement age. This would make sense because workers generally earn more as they get to the peak of their careers. This means that by becoming disabled before you get to your peak earning years, the Social Security formulae change, which means you’ll get less. The best way to accurately determine how much you’ll qualify for if you’re disabled is to view your most recent Social Security statement.
The Application Process
What is the application process like? The method of filing a claim is comfortable but slightly complicated than the Social Security retirement benefits application process. You will need to have your Social Security number, birth certificate, details of your work history, medical records, and your most recent tax return.
Once applied, you will also be required to fill a form that tells the SSA about your medical condition. The document also needs to be filled by your healthcare providers. After this, the SSA will decide whether you qualify for the disability benefits. The whole process takes time, so it’s recommended that you apply as soon as possible if you recently became disabled.
Your Application May Be Dismissed
The rejection rate for Social Security Disability benefits is pretty high, so there’s a notable change your application might be rejected. The decision not to award you disability benefits can be reversed at any stage of the appeals process. If you should appeal for a benefits denial, the process of getting benefits can take a very long time.
You should apply for Social Security disability benefits as soon as you become disabled. The application process can take three to five months, according to Social Security, and counts as part of the mandatory waiting period of five months after the onset of your disability.