Are you looking to shed a few unwanted pounds? Keeping your weight in check is an essential prerequisite for a healthy, fulfilling life. You might have tried different methods, treatments, and even diet pills, but to no avail. Worry no more; with these nutritionist-approved tips and habits, you’ll be able to manage your weight and achieve your fitness goals.
Never Skip Breakfast
A widespread misconception about dieting states that you should restrict your eating, but this could not be further from the truth. If you want to shed some weight healthily and effectively, focus on the quality and frequency of your food intake. It all starts with a copious, nutritious breakfast that will keep you full until midday. Choose healthy proteins, such as eggs, yogurt, and nuts paired with high-fiber foods like whole-grain cereals and fruits.
Stay Hydrated
Water is hydrating, reinvigorating, essential to our metabolism, and calorie-free. Given its many benefits, it only stands to reason that it should become your primary beverage. Besides, if you feel ravening hunger when least expected, it could just be a sign that you’re thirsty. So, always keep a bottle with you wherever you go and aim to consume at least 8 cups a day. Drinking a full glass half an hour before meals can also help keep your hunger in check.
Favor Nutritious Foods
Again, food quality is everything when it comes to losing weight and staying healthy. A good first step would be to get yourself acquainted with the different food groups and make sure you cover all your daily needs. Begin by replacing trans and saturated fats with unsaturated fatty acids, which are far more wholesome. As explained in depth by the lifestyle reviewers at, you should consume a variety of nutrient-rich foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, fish, nuts and seeds, and whole grains. These will ensure that you provide your body with the essential vitamins and minerals. In any case, research will be your best ally to gain knowledge about the most diet-friendly foods.
Mind Your Portions
Choosing quality foods to include in your new diet doesn’t mean you should eat a crate of vegetables and a bag of brown rice every day. Keep your plates and bowls reasonably portioned. Practicing portion control will enable your stomach to get full on less food. Also, since it takes nearly 20 minutes for the feeling of satiety (fullness) to kick in, eat slowly and mindfully, and don’t keep eating until you feel you need to unbutton your jeans.
Plan Your Meals
You’d be surprised at how planning your meals will help you stick to your diet. When you make this a habit and keep a food journal on the side, you’ll encourage yourself to be consistent and avoid temptations, such as eating out or ordering takeout. Creating a structured meal plan starts with your shopping choices; steer clear of over-processed foods and ready meals (you may indulge perhaps once a month). Instead, stock your kitchen pantry with diet-friendly, nutrient-rich foods. This should prevent quick, careless eating.
Banish Liquid Calories
Several studies have established a link between the consumption of sweetened beverages and obesity in adults. So, if you want to drop some pounds, slash those useless calories. Should you crave something fizzy, have a glass of sparkling water with a lemon wedge. By all means, run away from sodas with “light” or “zero” in the name; although they have no calories, they contain artificial sugars that mess up our brain’s chemistry and induce hunger.
Exercise Regularly
Understand that effective weight loss cannot be achieved without some form of regular physical exercise. Working out allows your body to burn energy, increases blood flow for maximum nutrient absorption, keeps you active, and prevents diseases, among a good dozen benefits. It’s also great for your metabolism and will do wonders for both your physical and mental health. Start at your own rhythm, and increase the frequency and intensity of your workouts as you advance. If you’re not a gym-goer, taking the stairs, walking your dog, dancing, or gardening can help you get the required dose of exercise.
Get Plenty of Sleep
Lastly, poor and insufficient sleep can be major obstacles to your weight loss goals. The lack of sleep induces a spike in ghrelin, a hunger-inducing hormone, and reduces leptin, the satisfaction hormone. As such, resting for at least 7-8 hours a night and maintaining regular hours will go a long way in averting cravings and making you abide by your dieting goals.
Ultimately, effective and long-term weight loss requires a good deal of discipline and perseverance. You should also be equipped with the right knowledge of what kinds of foods to consume, how your metabolism works, how the weight loss process works, and so on. Consulting several guides and lifestyle reviews should help you in your journey towards healthfulness.