The Master draughtsman, the late French illustrator Pierre Le-Tan had assembled a captivating and sprawling collection of art and objects over the course of 40 years of his career. Sotheby’s offered approximately...
She's known as 'The Face of Modern British Impressionism,' with 2020 seeing her celebrating four decades at the forefront of her field.
Angela Sara West talks to the UK's leading modern Impressionist, Sherree...
A neo-Georgian building on the banks of the River Erne is the home of Ireland’s oldest craft pottery, Belleek. For nearly 170 years, Belleek has been a collectors’ item and prized family...
Basically, a portfolio is a collection of the works of an artist, intended to showcase their particular signature or style to an art gallery, a university, or even for an employer. It...
Art, in all its forms, has brought beauty and intrigue into the world since the beginning of time. Paul Day, a British sculptor, adds to that beauty with his gorgeous high-relief and...
Pablo Reinoso is an Argentine-French artist and designer who has been working and living in Paris since the late seventies. He is most famous for his public installations and sculptures which he...
One of today’s most successful songwriters, Ali Tamposi, wrote or co-wrote many of the blockbuster songs of the just-completed decade starting with Kelly Clarkson’s mega-hit, “Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You),” in 2011;...
From fashioning fabric dolls and flowerbomb-tastic tree decorations on Channel 4’s ‘Kirstie’s Handmade Christmas’, to showcasing her superlative styling skills for luxury brands such as De Beers Diamonds, when it comes to...