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HomeGASTRONOMYTruffle Tomato and Orange Salad Recipe

Truffle Tomato and Orange Salad Recipe

Give your salad a delicious, summery update with this sweet and vibrant version.

4 sliced tomatoes
1 orange sliced
1 red onion, finely sliced
Sprig of thyme
1 tbsp of TruffleHunter Truffle Balsamic
1 tbsp of olive oil
Pinch of cracked black pepper and sea salt

Mix all sliced ingredients and drizzle with a generous tablespoon of the truffle balsamic and good quality olive oil. Season with salt and pepper, and garnish a sprig of thyme. You can add your own Tofu as extra.

Sit back, enjoy and pour yourself a glass (or two) of the Highgrove Mâcon Davayé wine.

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