Each niche has its own myths. Especially when we’re talking about sports. Some believe that professional athletes only bring harm to their bodies and minds. Others are sure that it’s impossible to guess a championship winner right at tonybet.co.uk/players/login_form. But myths appear not only when we are talking about professional sports. We can face them, even when we work out at home or just do yoga. But most of these thoughts are wrong. Keep reading and don’t get fooled by these 3 yoga myths. 

Yoga Requires a Complete Change of Lifestyle

This belief causes many people to give up yoga. In their mind, starting the practice would entail discomfort in meetings and events where there is unhealthy food and alcohol. Some fear that they will have to give up benefits and comfort, although this is absolutely not the case.

The first principle of yoga is non-violence: both over the outside world and over yourself. So you can gradually start moving toward a healthier lifestyle without any discomfort.

And even if in yoga you allow yourself the occasional consumption of animal food or alcohol for pleasure and with the understanding that you are enjoying it here and now, no one can reproach you for not conforming to the rules of the practice.

You Can Learn Yoga From a Book, and It Doesn’t Matter Which Master You Go to – You’ll Get the Same Thing

This is quite ridiculous, especially after seven years of regular practice, both on my own and with masters and gurus from different countries. Each of them gave me a unique experience and emotion, each practice was unique. And it’s not just the style of yoga I studied with each master. It’s the manner of presenting the information, the kind of character and mood that prevails in the class.

When learning the basics of yoga, one of the key needs is to find your master. Someone with whom you will not only feel comfortable but also interested in learning the practice. It’s important that the master you work with is able to attract you to the discipline and provide you with regular classes. By the way, when you find your master, you start to appreciate each class even more and see the daily practice as an opportunity to know yourself better – as a pleasure, not as a challenge.

Yoga Is for Flexible Only

Wrong again. Yoga is not originally only asanas, as mentioned above. Also, remembering the first principle of the Yama, ahimsa, it is not hard to guess that nonviolence on oneself is not only about gradually changing habits without stressing the body, but also a reasonable practice that will do no harm to your body.

Therefore, beginners have the full right to perform those variations of asanas that are available to them now due to the physical capabilities of the body and natural flexibility. Over time, with regular practice, you will notice how much more mobile your body becomes. This will be a pleasant bonus.